Yesterday I received an unexpected honor. Helen Ginger included my blog (in some outstanding company, by the way) when she passed on the Humane Award she’d earned the day before for her own blog, Straight from Hel. Thank you, Helen.
What is the Humane Award, you ask? Here’s the scoop:
The Humane Award is to honor certain bloggers that I feel are kindhearted individuals. They regularly take part in my blog and always leave the sweetest comments. If it wasn’t for them, my site would just be an ordinary blog. Their blogs are also amazing and are tastefully done on a regular basis. I thank them and look forward to our growing friendships through the blog world.
I think that’s pretty cool. And in the spirit of the kindhearted blogger and sweet comment writer I am (did I hear someone giggling?), I would like to pass this honor on to a few of my faithful visitors well known for their delightful and fun blog posts and their entertaining comments (while not repeating any of the great bloggers already honored by Helen).
Galen Kindley at Imagineering Fiction
Karen K. Brees at The Practical Preserver
Alexis Grant at Aspiring Author
Terry Odell at Terry’s Place
Linda Faulkner at Author’s Exchange Blog
I’m hoping to count these authors and bloggers among my virtual friends for a long time. And thanks for thinking of me, Helen.
Congratulations on your well deserved award. I most whole-heartedly agree with the blogs you have passed the torch to, the few I am unfamiliar with…I will click over to now. I love this part – discovering new blogs to enjoy!
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
What a terrific award! And humbling to be considered one of the “kindhearted.” I need to let LOTS of people know about this to be sure I deserve the honor.
Thank you.
Thank you, Pat. Tasteful, eh? Good think you awarded this one before you read tomorrow’s post from Detective Hussey. He calls his chapter “Sex and the Badge.”
I’m honored you thought of me.
Aw, thanks! This is kind of like doing something nice for a stranger when a stranger does something nice for you (not that you’re a stranger, but i’m going somewhere with this…) — because it makes us all feel good! Very sweet of you.
And glad you visited my blog today to let me know because I’m taking a break today from blog rounds. MUST finish Chapter 9. Sometimes I spend too much time on blogging and then never get the writing done.
Congrats! You must feel so honored. And that was me you heard giggling.
Steve Tremp
What a nice thing to do! Thanks Patricia. Now I must go and think of something tasteful and humane to write about. Oh, the burdens of fame.
Congratulations! This is a fun way to discover new blogs.
Congratulations, Patricia.
I think it’s cool, too! Congratulations…
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