When I sat down to write this blog post, I drew a blank. The calm that follows trips and the writers’ retreat has its disadvantages. Calm can be boring. How many times can I write posts about hiding away in my work space with the door closed? Do blog readers really care about my daily word count? How can I make the same old story interesting?
After a trip to the grocery store, I sat down at my computer and typed some words. I stopped and stretched after two hours. Then I walked downstairs to make a cup of tea. And then I came back and sat down and typed more words. See what I mean?
And this is pretty much what I plan to do each day through Monday.
To keep from boring you to tears (and chasing all of you away forever), I’m going to do a series of FIVE THINGS lists. Since I’m one of those freaky people who loves television and isn’t afraid to admit it, I’ll start with:
Five Favorite Television Shows:
1. American Idol (whenever its new season starts)
2. So You Think You Can Dance
3. The Mentalist
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Survivor
Any other TV watchers out there? If so, what do you like to watch?
Mason Canyon says
Okay, here are mine:
The Mentalist
CSI (loved it more when William Peterson was on)
NCIS LA (trying it)
April says
I’m surprised you don’t watch Castle, Pat! It’s about a mystery writer! It’s actually a pretty good show.
Carol Kilgore says
I’m a mindless entertainment person, too. In no particular order:
The Mentalist
Criminal Minds
Desperate Housewives
The Amazing Race
Patricia Stoltey says
It’s apparent that some of us watch TV for mindless entertainment (like me) and some of us prefer to be educated. For education, I prefer the internet or books.
I’ll be interested to see how your favorite movies stack up against mine, so be sure to come back tomorrow.
Elizabeth Spann Craig says
Okay– “Masterpiece Mystery,” “Masterpiece Contemporary,” “Biography,” “60 Minutes,” and “Washington Week.”
And I kind of like “Spongebob Squarepants,” too. 🙂
Mystery Writing is Murder
Paul D. Brazill says
I’m sure we’re way behind on American shows here in Poland but I really like Monk.
carolynyalin says
Okay, here are mine.
Currently on:
Friday Night Lights
Antique Roadshow (I love the reactions)
On DVD (which we watch again and again)
Arrested Development
Friday Night Lights (Seasons 1-3)
This was fun 🙂
Gary says
I watch very little television, but I make a point to watch: House, NCIS, Biggest Loser, Castle, and now and then a movie. My wife is in charge of the remote, which might explain why I don’t watch much TV.
The Old Silly says
Mmm, not much of a TV watcher – I put on movies I like from time to time and I’m a big sports nut so I’ll watch my Detroit Pistons and Lions, also the U of M and MSU teams, but as for like weekly shows? House – I’ll watch that once in a while, and oldschool comedy sitcoms like I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith Show. But my favorites if and when I do watch much TV are Discovery, History, and National Geographic channels.
Sheesh, reading this comment, I guess I watch more TV than I THOUGHT I did, lol.
Marvin D Wilson
Elspeth Antonelli says
I’m cranky. I watch very little TV; with the exception of PBS’s Mystery series and watching The Amazing Race with my teenage daughter. I watch The West Wing on DVD or movies which I have on DVD. I’m thinking about giving NCIS a try. I loved Pushing Daisies.
Kay Theodoratus says
Okay, I’ll bite.
Castle, The Mentalist, Cold Case, The Forgotten, The News Hour.
Honorable mention: Nova
Question: Wouldn’t your bones ossify at the joints if you sat more than two hours in one place?
Terry Odell says
None of your shows hit my list (if you don’t count the “avoid at all cost” list).
I watch CSI (original, but NOT for forensic accuracy); NCIS (and am trying the LA spinoff); Castle; Top Chef and Next Iron Chef.
I write in spurts as well, usually because I need to listen to my characters or work out a plot point, and it helps if I’m walking around.