My guest this week is L. Diane Wolfe, known as “Spunk On A Stick.” A member of the National Speakers Association and the American Business Women’s Association, Diane also writes The Circle of Friends YA series which features morally grounded, positive stories that appeal to both teens and concerned parents. Her latest release is Circle of Friends, Book V: Heather.
Ten years associating with a motivation training system and experience as a foster parent gave her an in-depth knowledge of relationships, personality traits, and success principles. Wolfe travels extensively for media interviews and speaking engagements, maintains a dozen websites & blogs, manages an online writer’s group, and contributes to several other sites and newsletters.
It’s my pleasure to introduce Diane and her personal story about the adventure of getting published.
My Writing Life by L. Diane Wolfe
My road to publication had many bumps, most of which were self-induced. It was not a pretty sight! I want to help other writers avoid the pitfalls. Since there are so many wrong paths, let me describe how NOT to do it!
My author aspirations began at age thirteen but I didn’t actively pursue those goals beyond high school. They just sat there, waiting. Then a dream inspired me to begin anew. I wrote constantly and soon possessed four additional story outlines. Once the first book was complete and edited by a professional, I looked around for options. A well-meaning friend directed me to another author, and since I was new and naïve, I choose his suggested path with a subsidy publisher. Oh, the young and foolish!
I went through the process and soon my first novel was available. The book was returnable, so as instructed by my sales rep, I started setting up book signings. Fifty store appearances later, I’d moved over a thousand books. I was in the subsidy publisher’s top 1% and even invited to attend Book Expo. I thought I was doing great!
However, as I began studying the industry, I realized I was on the wrong path. As a subsidy author, I was the equivalent of dirt! Hindsight is always 20-20, isn’t it? Even my publishing rep told me to move on to bigger opportunities. I started querying agents. No luck!
I turned to small publishers next and finally scored. Dancing Lemur Press, LLC was willing to take on the series, even after my earlier efforts nearly sabotaged The Circle of Friends.
The situation was a big learning experience. I advise other writers to study the industry in depth before they set off down the wrong road. There are no short cuts to publishing! We work so hard for our dream. It deserves every chance to succeed!
Thanks so much for sharing your story, Diane. The way publishing works today, it’s no wonder authors are eager to avoid the waiting involved when searching for agents and publishers, then waiting even longer for a hardcover or paperback under contract to be released. Small and medium presses are among the many options worthy of exploration.
Find out more about Diane and her many activities and projects at the Spunk on a Stick website, The Circle of Friends website, and Diane’s Spunk on a Stick blog.
For an excellent in-depth discussion of self-publishing and subsidy presses, read Diane’s blog post of May 25, 2010.
L. Diane Wolfe says
Simon, just keep on being curious about that L! LOL
Jane, you stay where it feels right!
N. R. Williams says
Much needed information. Thanks for sharing.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Jane Kennedy Sutton says
Learning what not to do provides some of our most valuable lessons in life. Thanks for sharing your experience, Diane. I have a few author friends who believe self-publishing is the only way to go these days and think I’m wasting time by staying with a small publisher. It may take longer for my books to be released, and I may not make as much per book sale, but for me it still feels like the right way to go.
Patricia Stoltey says
Thanks again, Diane. It was my pleasure to be your host today. We’d love to have you come back anytime.
Mason Canyon says
Patricia, thanks for hosting Diane.
Diane, it’s always interesting to learn more about the path authors have taken to get published. I’m understanding more each day the various problems authors sometimes run into when trying to get published.
Thoughts in Progress
catwoods says
Thanks Diane and Patricia.
I love the insight provided by experienced authors. There are so many hidden pitfalls in this industry that it’s amazing so many writers actually get published!
Keep up the great work, Patricia. Your guests are a great resource.
Simon Hay Soul Healer says
Cool! I love Diane, but I’m always curious about the L? And a dream inspired her. I like that.
L. Diane Wolfe says
Thanks again, Pat!
Cricket McRae says
Good information! Thanks for sharing your story, Diane!
Hearth Cricket
Clarissa Draper says
THis is a great look into the publishing world. Thanks for sharing.
Alex J. Cavanaugh says
Trying not to be foolish, although I’d like to be young!
L. Diane Wolfe says
Thanks Pat and everyone! I’ve stumbled around this business for almost eight years now, so hopefully I can impart some words of wisdom.
Jemi Fraser says
It’s so nice of Diane to share her experiences. There’s so much information out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Thanks Pat & Diane!
Patricia Stoltey says
I’m especially interested in all the different points of view on self-publishing. Things are changing so fast for authors. The more information we have, the better.
Past choices are simply that–choices. We make decisions and benefit from our experiences, then adjust to changing circumstances. Karen, have you blogged about your own path to publication and what you learned in the process? If yes, give me the links and I’ll post them on one of my “blog posts of interest” days.
And to Diane, thanks again for sharing your thoughts on getting published. Every little bit helps.
Sugar says
Thanks for the post Patricia.. I love Diane!!
Love you too 🙂
*soaking up alll of the info you all share*
Stephen Tremp says
Its interesting to read the road to publishing from various blogging authors. Unfortunately, you’re a pioneer who had ro experience these pitfalls. The upside is you can help us newbies so hopefully we can avoid these potholes in the road. Thanks for sharing.
Stephen Tremp
Karen Walker says
Wish I’d known all of you when I started on my path. I didn’t choose subsidy, but I did choose to self-publish and now I’m not so sure that was the right thing to do. But it felt right at the time. Sigh!
Ann Best says
Good to know. Thanks for hosting Diane. I’ve gone over to her blog and re-met her. Another author on my list to read!
welcome to my world of poetry says
Most interesting, yes there must be many pitfalls before finding the right publisher.
Thanks Patricia for allowing Diane on your blog.