Not only that, but it’s May.
The A to Z April Blog Challenge is over. Thanks to Arlee Bird at tossing it out for all his hard work and for setting up such a great team of sponsoring bloggers.
Thanks to Elizabeth Mueller who designed this cool award and presented it to the bloggers who participated in the challenge. Thanks, Elizabeth:
I still have a long way to go to visit all the blogs that participated in the challenge, but I’m going to spend a lot of time over the next couple of weeks doing just that.
In the process, I hope to reach 300 followers. Toward that end, I invite everyone who visits here this week and next (by midnight Mountain Time on Saturday, May 14th) to become a follower if you have not already done so. And feel free to spread the word on your blog, Twitter, or whatever.
Be sure to leave a comment and a way to contact you (in your profile or in the comment), whether you follow the blog or not. If I reach 300 followers by the deadline, I’ll give away one $25.00 gift certificate from
I’ll be selecting the winner from comments left between now and the 14th. Remember, it’s not the “follow” that enters you in the drawing, it’s the comment you leave. I’ll count one comment per person each day as a separate entry.
Heidi says
good luck on 300!!!! Angela recommended you- that means you are wonderful!
Yenta Mary says
If Angela recommends you, that’s all I need! Happily following along … 🙂
Angela FRS says
I lost comments, too–ugh. Love the two cats on a treadmill, and looking forward to seeing you hit 300…
Elizabeth C. Main says
What a great idea. Glad I found you. Liz
Donea Lee says
Alex C. sent me your way ~ 🙂 I’m adding one more “head” to your goal of 300!!
Ella says
Great idea; I hope you make it! You are sooo close!
hi patricia! i’m coming by from alex j cavanaugh’s place and so happy to find you! can’t tell you how many wonderful memories my heart holds from time spent in the rocky mountains – a lot of it in loveland and fort collins – be still my heart!!! 😉 am so happy to be following along with you on your magnificent journey here! oh, and please feel free to drop by my blogs should you be so inclined – have a great remainder of the day! jenean
Cat says
Congrats on surviving the challenge. It was a whirlwind. It also looks like you’ll make it to 300!!! Good luck too with rounding all the blobs. Im still hopping myself.
Monti says
Good wishes for getting to the 300 plateau by this weekend. I was happy to reach 100 followers during A to Z!
Laura says
Good luck with it, it’s a pleasure to find you through Alex J.Cav’s blog
Jeffrey Beesler says
Up until this past weekend I was doing good going for 30 blogs a day until I reached the end of the master list. But the past three days I dropped all the way down from 30 to 0. I really need to get back on top of things here.
M Pax says
I haven’t gotten through all the AtoZ blogs either. Nice bumping into you, Patricia.
Ellie says
300 is getting closer. Thanks for the competition!
Ellie Garratt
Lynda R Young says
congrats on “almost” reaching 300. Not far to go now.
Betty Craker Henderson says
I can’t believe how much work you did! This is all so new to me and I work my butt off doing about twenty at a time! How do you do it?
Dean K Miller says
ever closer….I’m in.
Amanda Rose Adams says
I thought I was already following, but I wasn’t! Now I am, I’m 274. 🙂
Lisa Potts says
Congrats on completing the challenge and on closing in on the big 300!
Mary Aalgaard says
Good job making it through the challenge and increasing followers and writing and reading so many. It was fun.
Jemi Fraser says
I bet you’ll be at 300 in no time! The A to Z challenge was fun to watch – so many great posts 🙂
Kay Theodoratus says
Hey Pat, good luck on getting 300 followers. I’d follow you [again] but I don’t think I can do that twice.
Terry Odell says
I just passed the 300 follower mark at my blog, so I know you’ll make your goal.
Terry’s Place
Romance with a Twist–of Mystery
Peter Springberg, MD says
What a great idea, Pat. Hope you get the 300 you need
John Paul McKinney says
I’m excited for you. How many are we so far? And thanks for your help.
Jan Morrison says
hey Patricia! Nothing like keeping the love coming! It was a fun party and I particularly liked spending time with some of my old buds on line…
see you round the water cooler.
Patricia Stoltey says
Good morning, everyone! I’m looking forward to giving away that amazon card, so the more you spread the word and the more days you visit, the better your chances. I need 300 followers before I even have a drawing, and you need to comment to earn an entry.
ham1299 says
I enjoyed the challenge, too. And I’m already a follower. I hope you get to 300 (and not just because I want a gift card! LOL)!
L. Diane Wolfe says
The Challenge was fun. I need to grab that zebra button for my blog.
Alex J. Cavanaugh says
I bet you hit it – you’re really close!
Margot Kinberg says
Pat – Congratulations on meeting the challenge!! I am in awe :-). As you know, I’m already an eager follower, and I stop here happily just about every day. It’s on my must-visit list :-).
irishoma says
Hi Patricia,
Congratulations on surviving the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
Good luck on reaching 300 followers.
I’m a long-time follower. Your blog is one of my favorites. I always find something interesting and useful here.
Donna V.
li says
So, you made the Challenge a double for yourself – doing the actual posts, and now visiting all of the 1000+ blogs! I applaud your energy and determination.
welcome to my world of poetry says
I do hope you get to your 300, you deserve it and you have worked tiredlessly reading and commenting on others, also your own blog is also interesting to read.
Have a good day.