I wish I could yodel.
This 12 year old girl taught herself how to yodel from a book. I never thought about doing it that way, but now that I’ve seen the clip on You Tube, maybe I’ll give it a try.
In a similar vein, I wish I could do the auctioneer’s chant like John Korrey. You can watch him on You Tube as well.
There are plenty of places to learn these things, and once the technique is mastered, it takes practice, practice, practice to do it well (and fast).
That’s the problem, of course. I’ve never been big on practice, which is why I didn’t become a great pianist in spite of nine years of lessons.
Writing, I guess, is the exception. I keep on writing, hoping that practice will make perfect. But maybe if I gave yodeling one more try…
Hold my hand: a social worker's blog says
Interesting…I wouldn’t picture you yodeling, but you see, people are full of surprises :-))
I liked that Y! Going back to catch up with prior posts.
Ann Best says
What a fun Y word! I immediately thought of The Sound of Music. When I hear the song, like you I think I would like to do it. But I’ve never tried, and you have. So I think you should give it one more shot… :o)
I also read your W post, about writing scams. I could well relate because I got scammed about five or six years ago when I didn’t know what to look for.
And Jacqueline’s Death Legacy sounds very intriguing!
Ann Best, Author
Christine Rains says
I never thought about yodeling but my Granddad could do the auctioneer’s chant. I was always in awe of that!
Patricia Stoltey says
If anyone learns how, let me know how you did it. ๐
Maryann Miller says
I’m going to take some singing lessons next month from a very talented singer/songwriter. Maybe she can teach me how to yodel.The idea has fascinated me for years, too.
Talli Roland says
It’s never too late to learn how to yodel! I’d love to.
Medeia Sharif says
I haven’t thought about yodeling in years. I’ve always wanted to try it.
Alex J. Cavanaugh says
Yodeling from a book – interesting way to learn.
Stephanie V says
Yodeling…yes! It always sounded so neat. It never occurred to me you could learn to yodel from a book. Wow!
Patricia Stoltey says
I have to admit, I’ve wished for some very strange things during this A to Z Challenge, a few of them I hadn’t thought of in years. The yodeling dream started when I was a farm kid and watched a talent show…there was a young boy who sang and yodeled…his song was I’m Little but I’m Loud. I loved that.
Lynn Proctor says
haha both things i cannot do and honestly don’t miss it–funny post
Jemi Fraser says
Yodelling makes me smile! My daughter speaks fast enough to be an auctioneer! ๐
Margot Kinberg says
Pat – I’ve never thought of learning to yodel before, but it is a real skill and yeah, it does take practice. I think that’s the hardest part of learning anything new; putting the practice into it…
lizy-expat-writer says
When I saw Your opening sentence I thought of “I wish I could shimmy like my sister Kate.” Odd how the mind works, isn’t it? I look froward to hearing You Yodel on Youtube next Year.