Chiseled in Rock Tuesday
My post this week is about looking at the same old stuff in a new way to stretch your writerly power of observation. Join me at the Rock.
Thursday’s Guest
My guest blogger on Thursday is….oops, I have no guest for September 27th. How did that happen?
I guess I’m on my own.
Tuesday’s Question
Out of all the books you’re read and/or written, who is your most favorite character of all time?
I think mine is Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind.
Now don’t forget to hop on over to the Rock and tell me how you sharpen your power of observation.
lizy-expat-writer says
I couldn’t pick a favourite because my choice would change with each book I read. At the moment I am in love with one of my own – unfortunately he was born in 1913 so he would be a bit long in the tooth by now!
Patricia Stoltey says
Hi Lynn, I liked Ashley’s character in the novel but not so much in the movie. I’m sure Clark Gable influenced my preference for Rhett.
Thanks for dropping by, Karen. To Kill a Mockingbird was a great book and movie, and when I saw it on stage a few years ago, I was enthralled all over again. I may be due for a reread on that one too.
Karen Lange says
I’ll have to give that favorite character thing some thought. Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird might get my vote.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s good to see you! Will hop over to the Rock now.
Lynn Proctor says
rhett was indeed a fascinating character–and i speak only from the movie–unlike my mother who read the book over and over much more times than she saw the movie which was over 25 times at least—but you know, speaking of that movie, i always found “ashley’s” character intriguing
Patricia Stoltey says
Pikes Peak Writers, thanks for coming by. I think I’ll start an official “Stamp Out the Code” campaign. 😀
Pikes Peak Writers says
That’s a surprisingly hard question to answer. For today…Harry Dresden.
Thank you for stopping by Writing From the Peak. We do intend to remove captcha code, at least on a trial basis, beginning next week. Your feedback was appreciated.
Patricia Stoltey says
Margot, I was betting you’d pick Hercule Poirot.
Great choice, Karen. I haven’t reread Little Women in such a long time. I may have to revisit it soon.
Alex, I hate to admit I have at least five Preston and Child novels in my bookcase and haven’t read one of them yet. I guess it’s time.
Alex J. Cavanaugh says
Agent Pendergast from Preston & Child’s series is my favorite.
Karen Walker says
Yeah, that’s a tough question but mine still might be Jo from Little Women.
Margot Kinberg says
Pat – I can understand why you like Rhett Butler. I’d have to think about what my vote for favourite character would be. I honestly think there are too many to count… OK, off to the Rock!