I was complaining the other day on Facebook that I’d planted a few pansies and a couple dahlias in one corner of my garden on a beautiful May day, and two days later we had hours of downpour, much of it in the form of hail. Needless to say, my flowers were shredded.
We had a few days for the plants to start their recovery, and I do think the pansies will survive no matter what.
Even if it snows.
And, yes, it’s supposed to snow tomorrow.
Mother’s Day, and it’s going to snow.
So I’ll call my mom, read a lot, watch a movie, drink hot chocolate, take a nap, and read some more. That’s what snow days are for.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, even if it snows where you are.
Susan Coryell says
Hi, Patricia. Enjoyed your snowy blog. We spend every winter in Hawaii (with our son) and returned to VA this year in time for not one but two snowfalls. Oh well. Thanks for posting and it sounds as if your Mothers Day was perfect!
Patricia Stoltey says
At least a spring snow in Colorado doesn’t stick around long. We’ll have a couple of days of cold, but by next weekend we’re looking at 80. I’m going to plant flowers again…and replant my lettuce, spinach, and peas if they didn’t make it.
L. Diane Wolfe says
Considering we were in the high 80’s and humid all weekend, I think I’d rather have the snow.
Julie Luek says
Was just talking about my front “garden” which I haven’t even tended yet. It seems futile. We had 2″ this morning. SIGH. I feel sorry for all the returned hummingbirds. Boy, did they screw up! ๐
Eileen Goudge says
I just back from a month in Wisconsin, where it snowed right up till May Day when I flew home. All I can say is the grass sure looked greener when it finally put in an appearance. Is there a metaphor in there somewhere?
Hart Johnson says
Man, so sorry about snow this late in the year! Erm.. but if you don’t mind, hang onto to it until it turns to rain… I don’t want any of it here in Michigan.
Jan Morrison says
Yep, it snowed here yesterday too. But it meant there was enough frost in the ground so me and the fella and the pooch could walk the shore for the first time in awhile. The snow didn’t stay and I’m trying not to be sick of winter – no point in that when I moved to Labrador! The bugs will be here soon enough. Pansies are so tough!
Stephanie Faris says
That’s kind of cool–although I know you’re sick of snow by now! It was actually pretty hot here…I think near 80? I shouldn’t complain about that!
Medeia Sharif says
I can’t believe it’s snowing this time of year. I hope you had a great Mother’s day weekend despite all this.
Patricia Stoltey says
Margot, the snow is wet and heavy and weighing down the trees and bushes. If it keeps up for long, we’ll have a bunch of branches on the ground to clean up.
Thank you, Gary! No, if there’s any shoveling to be done, my husband does it. The ground was pretty warm, so it’s not sticking on the sidewalks much. However, the temperatures are going to drop so I’m afraid more of icy walks than snowy ones.
Hilary, I’ll go out in a bit and take a new photo of the pansies. They’re not going to make it.
Hi Mason — Reading a good book will make it all better. I have Medeia Sharif’s first YA book and Jenny Milchman’s most recent mystery on the coffee table…plus a boatload of books in my bookcases and on my Kindle. I’m not sure where to start.
Mason Canyon says
Snow in May sounds crazy, but then we’ve been having really crazy weather lately. I think the latest we’ve had snow in Georgia was on April 1 one year. Bad April Fools joke on us. Hope you have a wonderful and Happy Mother’s Day.
Hilary Melton-Butcher says
Hi Patricia .. have a peaceful happy Mother’s Day and enjoy talking to your Mama .. and then that completely relaxing reading and enjoying day .. those pansies look to be coming along just fine …
We have torrents of wind – but as Gary says .. snow in Scotland, but not down here .. cheers Hilary
klahanie says
Hi Patricia,
We’ve had no snow whatsoever in England the past winter. Then again, being May, we probably will start getting our cold weather in preparation for a typical English summer.
Hope you don’t end up shovelling the darned white stuff.
A wonderful North American Mother’s day to you and your mother.
Gary ๐
Margot Kinberg says
Snow? In May, Really, Pat?! Wow! What strange weather. Well, snow or not, I hope you have a lovely Mother’s Day!