There was a blizzard going on out east, bringing NYC, DC, and south to a standstill. I watched on television, shivered, and sympathized.
Here in Northern Colorado, the weather had performed one of its fancy turnarounds. Right in the middle of winter, after days of cold and with snow still on the ground, the temperature popped up above 50 degrees and the sun beat down to warm the earth and melt the ice and snow.
I couldn’t resist finding little chores to do outside.
1. I took the cat out on her harness and leash, thinking she’d want to stay out for ages. She did her quick search for new grass to chomp on, didn’t find any; looked for birds under the juniper bush, didn’t find any; checked for grasshoppers, didn’t find any; looked bored; rolled around on the sidewalk a couple of times; then demanded to go inside. I think we’ve spoiled her by always giving her a few treats after a trip out. She has a good memory.
2. My grape arbor frame self-destructed in an early winter wind storm and was leaning precariously toward the sidewalk. Husband Bill tied it to the aspen tree to keep it from taking out any visitors, and I’ve been waiting for some nice days so I can start removing the grape vine and then, with his expert help, removing the whole frame. Yesterday was the perfect day to get started on that project. I cut vines into pieces and bagged them, but I still have a long way to go. It will probably turn cold and snow again before I finish that chore. I took pictures, but for some reason my computer won’t open the camera file today. It’s always something.
3. I washed the glass in the front storm door inside and out. This is big, people. I don’t think I’ve done that since I broke my foot last March.
4. I pulled the Burpee seed catalog from under the table by my favorite reading chair and placed it in a prominent spot to remind me it’s almost time to order. This is also big because I wasn’t able to garden last year. I can’t wait to get the first seeds into the ground — Leaf lettuce and spinach survive our spring snows just fine because of the warm sun we get in between.
I usually enjoy winter and snow, but this year I’m especially eager for spring. Anyone else out there having an early onset of winter doldrums?
One more thing: Go Broncos!!!!!