Otherwise known as Colorado Gold. And it really is.
Registration for the Colorado Gold Conference is now open. It will be at The Westin in Westminster, September 11-13. Jeffrey Deaver and Desiree Holt are keynote speakers. There are agents and editors, scads of experienced presenters, the most awesome book sale ever, and more.
Boogie on over to conference page to get all the details.
The deadline for entry into this prestigious contest for unpublished novelists is June 1st. Final judges are agents and editors. You can read all the submission requirements and hints on the RMFW website.
And if you missed Jennifer Kincheloe’s series of interview questions with former Colorado Gold winners, here are the links to those excellent posts. If they don’t inspire and motivate you to submit your work, I don’t know what will.
“How the Colorado Gold Contest Changed How I Feel About My Writing”
“Getting Critiqued in the Colorado Gold Contest—Winners Weigh In”
Are you an unpublished novelist who would like a good critique and a chance to become a finalist or winner in one of the best writing contests available? The deadline is June 1st.
Come on…you know you want to.
I’m now a regular monthly contributor to the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog as well as being its co-editor. I get to pontificate and opine on the first Monday of the month.
You can find me over there today with a post that piggy-backs on Mary Gillgannon’s Friday entry called “Your Book…Or Your Editor’s.”
My post is called “Your Book…or Your Critique Group’s?” Find the blog right here.